
The story of the WRNS

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The 20th century was a period of tremendous change for women throughout Great Britain and in turn for the involvement of women with the Royal Navy.

World War One caused far reaching changes. It enabled the position of women to evolve, allowing them to move into new types of employment and, in turn, experience greater independence. This social turmoil also paved the way for circumstances in which women would be welcomed into the armed services.

World War One provided women with their first real opportunity to prove they had a role in the armed forces, including the Royal Navy.

The position of women in the Navy underwent a transformation throughout the course of the war and continued to do so across the rest of the century. It still continues to evolve today.

WRNS emblem - Never at Sea. This changed in 1990 when the first Wrens served aboard HMS Brilliant. (RNM)
WRNS emblem - Never at Sea. This changed in 1990 when the first Wrens served aboard HMS Brilliant. (RNM)

Read the story of the WRNS

  • 1917 - 1919 The first WRNS formed during World War One

  • 1938 - 1945 World War Two reformation

  • 1946 - 1969 Post war permanent service

  • 1970 - 1989 Towards integration

  • 1990 - 1993 Women at sea

  • Women in the Navy today Equality and limitations in the Navy


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