
The Baltic Campaign

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HMS E9 preparing to fire her gun in the Baltic, 1915 (RNSM)
HMS E9 preparing to fire her gun in the Baltic, 1915 (RNSM)

During January 1915, Ravel suffered a particularly cold spell. HMS E9 went to sea to discover if it was possible to patrol in the icy waters. Spray rapidly froze and formed ice up to six inches thick all over the exterior. The crew continually removed ice from the conning tower so that it could be closed in an emergency. However, when dived, the warmer salt water helped free the submarine from much of the ice.

E9 covered in ice after returning from patrol in Reval, 1915 (RNSM)
E9 covered in ice after returning from patrol in Reval, 1915 (RNSM)


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